Neck Pain

CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS – Cervical spondylosis is the general term used for age related degeneration of the bones and discs in the neck. This condition can lead to a variety of problems, including herniated discs and bone spurs. As people age, the structures that make up the backbone and neck gradually develop wear and tear. It is very common and worsens with age. Many people experience pain and stiffness in neck.
CERVICAL RADICLOPATHY – Cervical radiculopathy is clinically inflammation or compression of a nerve root in the cervical region which becomes inflamed or compressed, resulting in a change in neurological function. Neurological deficits such as numbness, altered sensation, weakness of arms, hands or fingers, pins and needles or tingling sensation may also be associated.

MUSCLE SPRAIN – A neck sprain is a stretched ligament or muscle in the neck. A neck sprain may occur without any obvious injury. It may be caused by a sudden impact with an object. An impact may force the neck to quickly extend beyond its normal range, and then snap back forcefully. This is commonly called as whiplash injury. Rear-end car accidents, head jerking during amusement park rides are the most common forms of impact that may cause a neck sprain.